Monday, March 16, 2009

Going down with the ship

Over the past year, I switched my newspaper subscription from the Seattle Times to the Seattle PI. The deal at the time was a good one, and I was pleasantly surprised when I made the switch. The whole entertainment page (and selection of comics) was far superior, the layout was more eye catching, and I enjoyed David Horsey's political cartoons.

It was also the oldest newspaper in Seattle. I use the past tense term, because, as of tomorrow, it will no longer be in print. Instead, it will solely be online at and I assume that the paper that will be delivered will be the Seattle Times once again. I have already made the decision that when the contract runs out, I will switch over to The News Tribune- as it is a less expensive paper and I have been pleased by what I have seen in the past.

I will miss receiving the PI. I found that I looked forward more to reading it than I did the Seattle Times. It seemed- at least to me- to be a more in depth newspaper. The stories were more involved, from the front page, to the sports page. And while the Times and the PI often carried most of the same stories, there were some in there that I got solely from the PI.

So, long, Seattle Post Intelligencer. You will be greatly missed.