Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ahh, writer's block

Now you might find it a little odd that I am writing about having writer's block, but I am. I have had this particular form of mental constipation (sorry about that, but there is no other way to describe it) for quite a while now and I am even finding difficulty forming an email. This is not good.

Now, supposedly, there are remedies, but none that I have tried have succeeded. I have done the whole changing of scenery (although part of my problem was that I did not venture far), I've tried to jot down some poetry-which usually works but I couldn't get a single line out, staring at a blank wall, you get the idea.

So if any of you have any remedies that actually work (other than physical injury to myself or others or the absurd notion of quitting caffeine) please feel free to share. I greatly appreciate it.

Post Script: This should come to a big surprise to no one that this is a short post.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Get yourself a Tarot deck. One that has great pictures on it. Then shuffle them and lay them out, labeling each one (1) protagonist, (2) antagonist, (3) protagonist goal, (4) location or setting, etc.

You can keep putting cards down until you find something that speaks to you, or study each card and write what you see.