WARNING-The following is the result of a random philosophical moment I just had. Bear with me.
So, how do you spend your time? We are given a set amount of years, months, days, hours, etc. in which we exist upon this earth. In that amount of time, we live our daily lives, and about 95% of each day is on autopilot. We get up in the morning, get ready for work, work, go home, eat dinner, maybe watch a little television before heading off to bed and starting the cycle all over again.
During this time, how often do you help others? Do you hold the door for a person who’s hands are full, or tip your local barista, or even trade seats on an airplane so a family can sit together? The decisions we make, even in a split second, can mean a lot when they add up. The simplest action can mean so much more, even if you don't suspect that it does.
We've all been the shoulder when a friend needs one, but how often has a total stranger opened up to you? It has happened to me many times, and yet, it still seems odd each time. I am no more human than you are, yet people have confided in me some really dark stuff. I dispense advice, if I can, all I really am is an ear for them to speak to. Some people just have so much pent up, that even if it's a total stranger, they release so much pain and confusion when they can. All I can offer is some common sense advice and a kind word. It isn't much to me, but it's the world to them.
What I'm getting at is this: if all you do is help someone in a small way each day, you day is never a waste. And in the end, it really does matter.
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