Sunday, January 07, 2007


I have high hopes for this year. It's just begun and it already feels different, in a good sort of way. I've already made out my New Year's Resolutions and this year I actually plan on keeping them. What a concept!
Anyway, one of those is to travel more. Over the last two years, I haven't had much, if any, opportunity to travel and I dearly miss it. I'm one of those people who loves to fly and I already have a couple flights picked out. I need to stretch out my legs and see the country. I need some down time and it's about time to have some.
Another one of my resolutions is to write everyday. So far I have yet to fail, and I consider this post to be my day's ration of writing. It just seems like I don't have as much time to do it as I used to. And when I do have time, my well of creativity is dry. Anyway, enough griping.
I will try and post more this year. Of course I say that every year, but whatever. To my dear and faithful readers, thank you for sticking with me. And to those who are new, welcome.
So may 2007 be a good year and may all of your endevours be successful ones.

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