Monday, June 11, 2007

Two weeks, baby!

That's right, in two weeks I will be in Wisconsin enjoying a badly needed vacation. It has been two years in the making and it's finally happening. For one glorious week I will leave my cares and worries behind and just relax.

Which leaves me to my other point. This vacation is completely unplugged-which means that I am leaving my laptop at home and I will do my best to avoid computers at all costs. I need total rest and relaxation and I need to unplug from my life for the week that I will be gone. Not just for my physical well-being, but also my mental, psycological, and emotional wellbeing as well. I need to let go and just let things be and to lose control and enjoy life once more. As anyone who's read this blog knows, I desperately need to unwind.

It's not just a vacation from my job, it's a vacation from my life. Two weeks, baby, two weeks. I can't wait.

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