Preparation for the Big One
There was a 7.4 earthquake that hit Jakarta, Indonesia today. There are no reports of deaths, and, luckily, there was no tsunami. But it got me to thinking about the region that I live in.
Washington State has a couple active volcanos. One, Mount St. Helens, has already erupted, but she's been acting like she wants to do it again. The other, Mt. Rainier, has been dormant for a long time and is overdo for a big blast. The last time it went, the area was considerably less populated. When she erupts again, the area won't be so fortunate.
There has been evidence in the past of a tsunami striking the coast of Washington. While our coast isn't as populated as the interior, it still will mean lost lives and massive amounts of damage.
Gather all that on top of the fact that this region has become a lot more active within the last fifty years. I have lived through two earthquakes already, and I'm only in my twenties. The second one was much larger than the first, and they were only six years apart.
I, for one, am not ready. I will be the first to admit it. As much as I tell myself to prepare, I don't This is for two reasons. Number one is denial. The old head in the sand trick. If I dont think about it, it won't happen. The other is I just have procrastinated on it. There's not a whole lot I can do, so I just put it off.
But still, there's that voice in the back of my head telling me that I should probably get on that. So, for starters, I've decided to put this website on my blog: It's all about how to prepare for the big one. The tips on there are pretty useful. Some of them I might even use.
Anyway, now that I'm done scaring the crap out of both you, my fine readers, and myself; I think I will go home and see how my grandparents are doing. Take care of yourself and I will post again soon.
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