Monday, August 18, 2008


Simply put, I don't have as much time on my hands as I used to. Hence why it has taken me so long to post a blog on here. Believe me, a lot has happened to keep me off of here.

I'll start with the fact that for almost a month, I had two jobs. I use the past tense, because I finally decided that the commute to Ben and Jerry's did not equate the hours or pay that I was receiving there. I knew it would be part time when I was hired, but I didn't fully realize the hassle and strain that it would create. I kid you not when I tell you that one day it took me three hours to get home, just because of traffic and such.

Speaking of working, for a brief period last week I had three jobs. The third one was training to become an election poll worker, which I will be doing tomorrow. Where I live, they pay you $125 for the day and there won't be much that you will be doing. I was told by everyone that I should bring plenty to read. The only snafu is that it's from six in the morning to after eight at night with only one hour lunch for a break. But still... If all goes well tomorrow, I will do it again in November.

The other job that I have is a Christian bookstore in the mall that I have worked in for in the past. In fact, there are times when this mall is my ball and chain. I thoroughly enjoy my job and I am picking up very quickly on the ins and outs of the job. My manager is impressed by how well that I'm doing.

The other bit of news that I have involves my kidney. For a while after my second opinion, I was pain free and feeling great. Then the dull aches came back and last Saturday night (not last night, but the week prior), I had another massive attack comparable to the one I had back in April. I told my sister (the eventual med student) this and she suspects that I might not have one cyst, but several. A cyst cluster, if you will. She thinks that the two attacks were, in fact, the cysts popping (which is a good thing-despite the pain) and that is why it didn't go away after the first attack.

Now, had I time, money, and insurance, I would have told you what the doctor has said. But the lack of these has prevented me from setting up any futher appointments in the near future. Speaking of doctors, one thing that I negected to mention was the fact that when I did have my previous opinions, neither one tested me for cancer. They just were trying to figure out what the lump on my kidney was and that's it. I am in no way saying that I have cancer-only that the next time I visit a doctor, I will insist that they test me.

Anywho, there's more news, but no more time for me to tell it. I hope all is well, and I hope to post again soon.

Take care,