Tuesday, May 15, 2007


So those who know me would definitely describe me as white. Another adjective that might be used would be pasty. Not anymore. That's right, yours truly now has a very red face and it's not because he's embarrassed. Couple that with my lower arms and a tender neck and you have one crispy dude.

This all stemmed from several factors. Number one is that I have been putting off getting my food handler's permit and decided that today was the day. Second, we have had the most amazing weather lately (85 today) and I spent most of my day out in it. The reason is that I happened to have gotten rather lost looking for the place to take the test. And after I had taken the test (which I passed with flying colors), I spent some more time outdoors.

Speaking of the permit, I have decided to put off quitting until I not only have another job lined up, but have started it as well. I've done this before, so I don't forsee any problems. It doesn't mean that I won't have any problems; I just don't forsee any.

Anyway, that's all that's new with me. Take care, you guys, and I will post again soon.

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