Saturday, May 05, 2007

A limo in Hell

I'm not going to lie to you here-there are days where I absolutely hate, loathe and despise my new job. Today was definitely one of those days. We were slammed all day and I could do no right. Everything I did seemed to get on the nerves of all my coworkers and I the only time I was even remotely happy was when I was talking with customers in the drive thru.

It was while I was on drive thru that a limo pulled up in the parking lot and just sat there for, I kid you not, 20 minutes. That's it, just sat there. The driver left the car a couple times to smoke and then, just as mysteriously, it left. It was the strangest thing.

Anyway, yeah, about my job. I'm not denying it doesn't have it's perks, but it isn't worth it on some days. Most days, actually. It has it's good days and really, really bad days. Such as today. I'm sick of everyone giving me that condesending look; that you should know better, but you're the new guy look. That, do we really have to put up with him look. And I'm even more sick and tired of walking into conversations that I know are about me. One thing I hate about my job is that people are constantly talking about me behind my back. I'm not being paranoid, because I have caught people on quite a few occasions. I do not enjoy working at a place where I can't trust anybody.

All right, now that that's off my chest, I feel better now. I'm sure, in the distant future, I will enjoy working at Starbucks. That all I have to do is grin and bear it and it will get better. And right now, that's all I have to go on.

1 comment:

Karen said...

A limo IN hell is better than a limo TO hell... I guess.

Remember, those people giving you the looks were once new too, they've just forgotten what it was like. Or maybe they haven't and they're just paying it forward.

You'll be fine.