Monday, February 11, 2008

My grandmother is in the hospital

It's been about a week since I've been online. The first reason is that my computer kicked the bucket finally, so I am only able to access the internet at the library.

The second reason is my grandmother. She has been in the hospital twice in the last week. The first time was for a very minor heart attack and she spent five long, restless hours in the ER at St. Francis. This was early Wednesday morning. She was completely restless the rest of the day.
Thursday evening she was incredibly weak. We had an extremely difficult time getting her into bed. I recommended that we let her get some sleep, hoping that that would take care of the problem. It didn't.

I woke up Friday morning and found the house empty and a note on the table saying she was back in the ER. When I arrived there, she was lifeless and in and out of consiousness; completely opposite from 48 hours earlier. I honestly thought we were going to loose her then and there. She spent most of the day there, barely there. We finally went home when they transfered her to Virginia Mason in the evening.

We were up there around eleven, Saturday morning. She was happy and animated and looking better than she had in literally years. We had a good long visit with her and the entire time we were there, she didn't fight with us or the staff at all. I thought, considering how things were going, that she would have been released today.

Sunday proved me wrong. When we got there, you could tell immediately that she hadn't had much sleep. The nurse said that she had fought with everyone and considering how frail she is, she was extremely strong. Twice she had successfully pulled out the IV. She had barely gotten any sleep and the nurses twice gave her a mild sedative that had no effect on her whatsoever. They also discovered that she has been pocketing her medications in her cheeks so it appears that she's taking them when she is actually not. We didn't stay as long as the day before, because we are barely sleeping, as well. The entire time we were there she was completely aggitated and we had to keep giving her Kleenexes to rip apart so she didn't rip out her IV. While she recognized everyone the day before, she now barely recognizes her own husband.

So, we are taking this day by day. It looks like she will be remaining in Virginia Mason at least through tomorrow. Admittedly, I'm barely hanging on. It's so hard to remain strong for everyone else when you're feeling weak and powerless. Most of the time I feel like I'm losing my own mind.

Anyway, that's what's going on in my life. Sorry this is such a downer post, but that's life right now. I hope to post again soon; hopefully with better news. Before I go, I would just like to mention that should you ever go to Virginia Mason, bring your own aspirin. Of all the places you would think to carry it; they don't. Go figure.

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