Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

First off, Happy Saint Patrick's Day. If you go out and celebrate, make sure there's a sober driver. After all, there's no point in celebrating if you're only going to wind up hurting yourself-or worse.

Second, time for some updates. I am now working at Poverty Bay Coffee Company, which is a whole lot closer to home. Even though I am currently a kitchen grunt, I have discovered I like being a kitchen grunt.

The interesting thing about my new job is that, not only am I the only male working there, but I am the first guy they've hired in two years. Let me tell you what an eye-opening experience it has turned out to be. What little I thought I knew about women barely even scratches the surface. It is by far the most intersting job that I have ever had.

Moving on to my grandmother. She is adjusting quite well to her new living arrangements. She's happy and the place she is at is really nice. Since I have been working my butt off, I haven't had much opportunity to visit her, but when I do, she's in good spirits.

Anyway, I will let you know more when I have more time.

Take care,

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