Friday, June 06, 2008


These past three weeks have been really hard on me. I've had great disappointments and sudden losses that have me questioning everything I thought I believed it. I guess the best way to start would be at the beginning.

So, as I mentioned, I tried attending Seattle International Film Festival. The event was sold out and I got thoroughly lost in Seattle just looking for it. No surprise there, considering I always get lost in Seattle. This I was more disappointed in, as I had been really looking forward to attending.

The next thing that happened was that I found out that one of my best friends will be moving to Papau New Guinea next year. She will be on a missions trip and she will possibly be there for good. While I am really excited that she will be having a dream of hers come true, I will miss her greatly.

The third thing to happen to me is that my new digital camera had disappeared. This is the same digital camera that I had on my trip to Texas, whichs still has photos of the trip on it. I honestly don't know whether it was stolen or I completely misplaced it. Either way, I have no clue as to where it could have gone and believe me when I say that I've searched everywhere for it. I even began to clean my room, which almost never happens.

The final blow is actuall two part. The first part-the major part-is that yesterday I lost my job at Poverty Bay. While I was admittedly having difficulties there, I loved that job and the people that I worked with. I enjoyed going into work and no matter how challenging the day was, I still enjoyed it. The owner (it's a mom and pop shop) was almost in tears when she let me go and told me that everyone there loved me as well. I ran into one of my old coworkers and she said that everyone is taking it as hard as I am. The second part to this is that when I posted a comment on one of my friends' myspace page, she responded by deleting me.

So here I am. I feel like I am about to slip into another deep bout of depression. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. I honestly don't know who I can turn to. And the reason why I'm telling you all is that I know the very worst thing I could do is to keep this inside me.

I don't know.

I hope all of you out there are doing well. The biggest thing I need right now is a friend.


Karen said...

Hey Jeremy,

Sorry to hear things have been so rough for you. We didn't have your address earlier, but you're invited to the graduation party at the big house on Saturday. Let me know if you need a ride and we'll get one figured out for you.

Writer-Savant said...

I'd love to come. I will see what I can do to get there.