Hello, old friends. First off, my sincerest apologies as to the upkeep of this blog. It's been, as you are all well aware, quite a long while since I have posted last. If you have stuck around, consider me both incredibly flattered and impressed.
So, you're probably wondering what is new with me. Lots, is the most simple answer. To be honest, I cannot even remember the last time I posted, so I'm not exactly sure where to begin. I guess we will go with the most recent news and move our way back. In fact, I am going to be telling you something that I haven't told my own family:
I have bad news. A few weeks back (no further, I promise) I found two lumps on the back of my neck. The one off to the side is most likely just a mole that is growing; but the other one is at the back of my neck, where I know my brain stem is. This is the one that is sensitive to applied pressure-i.e. a pillow. It has also given me headaches on a number of occasions; such as the one I am having now.
Now, I know what you're wondering. What has the doctor said about this? To be completely honest: I don't know. I have yet to actually visit a doctor about it, primarily because of what he or she might say. The other reason is that if it truly is what I fear it is; well, there's nothing modern science can do about it anyway, due to it's location.
There is also the strong possibility that one or both of them are cysts. If you have followed this blog in the past, I have mentioned that I have one (or a cluster-still not sure which) on my right kidney. That one only bothers me know when I'm dehydrated, or just need to flush my kidneys. If that is the case, then, well, there's nothing I can do about it, due to its location.
Why have I chosen here to make this known. Well, because, I honestly don't know who is reading this right now, and anonymity is actually comforting. Like I said-I'm genuinely scared right now, and if someone I know starts freaking out about it as well, it's only going to be worse for me. Call it the easy way out, if you will. Second is that there is a slim chance that some doctor or scientist will read this and know of a cure for whatever I am experiencing. One of the advantages of the internets.
So, actually, I'll just have this as my post for today. In closing I promise two things: number one, I will go see a doctor, and number two, I will post more often. I hope all is well with you all.
Take care.
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