Saturday, December 06, 2008

In Loving Memory

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me." (John 14:1)

There is no easy way to loose a loved one. The pain, at first unbearable, over time dims; but never goes away. The survivors are left with an invisible scar on their hearts. Years later, the tears still flow-although they fall less often.

The Lord welcomed Virginia Ghea into His promised mansion on November 25th. In the last half hour of her life, her troubled breathing calmed. Her passage from this life to the next one was a gentle one. On her walk with God here on Earth, the only time she saw Him was in His majestic creations and artists’ assumptions. Now she sees Him face to face as He welcomes home His good and faithful servant.

She was a Christian, not only in faith, but in works. Completely selfless-even when she could no longer take care of you, she still tried. She had a pure and gentle heart, with a smile that genuinely lit up the room. The eyes are the window of the soul, and hers were soft and caring.

Does this hurt? Yes. But while our suffering has just begun, her has come to an end. She is finally, truly, at peace.

Goodbye, Grandma. I miss you so. And I await your welcoming hug when the Lord calls me home.


Karen said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing. Peace to you, Jeremy.

Aunt K.

Writer-Savant said...

Thank you. At least I was able to say goodbye beforehand.