Monday, December 29, 2008

So long, 2008!

Or, better yet, piss off. I have not had a good year. I have not had a decent year. This year, in fact, sucked hard. And I am not alone in this. In fact, I can't think of a single person who did have a good year. Can you?

I don't feel like rehashing all the crap that's happened, so, if you feel so inclined, feel free to read my previous posts on here. I will, however, recap December; since I haven't had the opportunity to get on here until now. It began with my grandmother's funeral. Having family here was nice, especially for Thanksgiving, but it was hard as well.

Then came the weather, and the weather definitely came. Wind, rain, temperatures in the 20s, snow, snow, and, um, yeah, more snow. Washington doesn't see much of the white stuff in December, unless you go to the mountains. But down here at sea level saw at least a foot of it, even more so in most places. The upside is that we actually had a genuine, white Christmas this year. The downsides were slipping all over the place when it would convert to ice and idiot drivers not driving for the conditions, not to mention the cabin fever we all have been feeling.

Speaking of Christmas-was anyone actually prepared for it? I wasn't-though I didn't feel like celebrating anyway. Add to it the drastic weather and people were down each others' throats. You probably heard about the stampede at a Walmart on Black Friday. That should give you the state of mind of most consumers this year. Do people not realize that Christmas does come every year?

I know this post is not exactly happy and joyful. There is some stuff that I am quite grateful for. My friends and family who have rallied around us during this dark period. Especially those who keep checking up on me. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. And I am looking forward to next year, if only for the opportunity for a fresh start. I have already made my resolutions, and this time, they are actually quite reasonable. I'm even contemplating participating in a annual writer's contest next November. If I can. We'll see.

Anywho-here's to next year. I hope it's better than this year. It has to be. Right?

1 comment:

Karen said...

Ah, I had good parts to an interesting year. 2009 promises to be much better, and a lot more interesting...

ooh, good word verification: olybxles... sounds like something you'd take to get rid of, um, bxles...