Thursday, August 02, 2007

I have a new cellphone

So, as of Tuesday, July 31st, I have a new cellphone. I have been in dire need of one, and decided to just buckle down and pick up a prepaid one. It only cost me $10, due to me using the last of my Best Buy gift card and I have to say that I really like it.

There's a funny thing about it though. When they assigned me a number for it, they gave me a 202 area code. Why, I have no clue. They even asked me which area code I call the most. For those of you not aware, I live on the West Coast and apparently 202 is Washington DC-the East Coast.

Your guess is as good as mine. For the record, I have zero desire to run for political office. But if I were, I could use the slogan "Why not? My cellphone is already here." Nah, still no interest.

So, anyway, that's what's new for me. Well, I did have a dear friend come back into my life last Friday, July 27th. I am seriously happy that she is back in my life. It is definitely one friendship that I will work hard at making sure it stays afloat. She means a lot to me.

Anyway, until next time. Take care of yourselves out there. Bye.

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