Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I hate my back!

So last Thursday, I spent all day helping out my grandfather by doing some much needed yard work. This included weed wacking, sawing up a fallen tree limb, and (what probably caused all of this) picking up two sections of his fence that had fallen in the storm last winter and moving them to a better location. While it was a good work out for the rest of my body, my back didn't appreciate it. At all.

I woke up Friday morning to a not so little sensation I like to call back spasms. Plural. I have had them ever since. And when my back is not spasming, it still hurts. I spent the weekend with a couple friends getting some much needed rest. It helped a little, but low and behold, the pain is back. I've tried stretching and heat and lots of pain medication. It all helps, but the pain and the spasms come back.

I am not a happy camper.

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